WEBVTT 00:00.540 --> 00:01.651 On the line and see 00:04.769 --> 00:06.380 what information do you need 00:16.299 --> 00:19.299 from Commandant of the Marine Corps to 00:19.440 --> 00:21.551 Lieutenant General Michael Ew Homes , 00:21.649 --> 00:24.950 assertion of criminal effective 00:24.959 --> 00:28.659 1016 February 2024 you will 00:28.670 --> 00:30.837 assume the Dus as commanding general , 00:30.837 --> 00:33.840 one Marine expeditionary force . So 00:34.630 --> 00:37.529 Arab and General United States Marine 00:37.540 --> 00:38.540 Corps 00:51.680 --> 00:54.250 and so I am filled with pride knowing 00:54.259 --> 00:56.950 that one marine expeditionary force is 00:56.959 --> 00:59.380 a firm pillar of our Marine Corps . 00:59.790 --> 01:02.319 Indeed , our national defense is the 01:02.330 --> 01:04.219 Marine Corps's largest Marine Air 01:04.219 --> 01:06.610 ground task force . We're fighting meth . 01:06.720 --> 01:09.669 One me f plays an a role in regional 01:09.680 --> 01:12.180 stability . One meth is deployable 01:12.190 --> 01:13.900 anywhere , anytime or in any 01:13.910 --> 01:16.819 circumstances . And you do just that 01:16.830 --> 01:20.169 strategic vision , your operational 01:20.180 --> 01:22.730 acumen and your truck stop wisdom that 01:22.739 --> 01:25.620 become legend . The pathway has been 01:25.629 --> 01:27.989 set by their G to right ? And I know 01:28.000 --> 01:30.169 you will continue down . I know you 01:30.180 --> 01:32.410 will continue to push forward toward 01:32.419 --> 01:34.500 those design concepts and make them 01:34.510 --> 01:36.454 real . Once again , the fight that 01:36.529 --> 01:39.809 creates . But also I know you will be 01:39.819 --> 01:43.120 ready to take and put the one left boot 01:43.370 --> 01:45.592 on the throat of people who may require 01:45.592 --> 01:47.730 that sort of therapy . So 01:47.739 --> 01:50.860 congratulations to me both . S Fidel is 01:50.870 --> 01:52.981 my friend . You are the next man up . 01:53.370 --> 01:55.592 Thank you . They brought freedom to the 01:55.592 --> 01:58.690 impressed , they brought hope to those 01:58.699 --> 02:01.709 that are in despair and they killed 02:01.720 --> 02:04.209 those adversaries foolish enough to 02:04.220 --> 02:07.430 threaten America's or American security 02:07.440 --> 02:10.149 around their . But I can tell you that 02:10.160 --> 02:12.350 source of humility is not from some 02:12.360 --> 02:15.220 pictures on a wall that source the 02:15.229 --> 02:17.118 humility from the marines and the 02:17.118 --> 02:19.880 sailors that are standing behind me . I 02:19.889 --> 02:23.380 tell you they embody and they represent 02:23.639 --> 02:26.029 the warrior climate and the warrior 02:26.039 --> 02:28.899 culture . That is the one extradition 02:29.000 --> 02:29.759 force . 02:33.720 --> 02:35.729 What ? And ?