WEBVTT 00:02.009 --> 00:04.231 Force on force exercise is something we 00:04.231 --> 00:06.176 have available in the Marine Corps 00:06.176 --> 00:08.176 where you have two entities in this 00:08.176 --> 00:10.287 case is puns . And what they're doing 00:10.287 --> 00:12.287 is literally their only job and the 00:12.287 --> 00:13.342 only rule is win . 00:19.040 --> 00:21.040 I think they overstayed the welcome 00:21.040 --> 00:20.979 world though though , 00:27.459 --> 00:29.959 requesting permission to fire without 00:29.969 --> 00:30.989 the observer 00:33.279 --> 00:36.040 Roger 31 solid copies . Send me a great , 00:37.069 --> 00:39.291 you don't know what's going to happen . 00:39.291 --> 00:41.291 So the first thing they're going to 00:41.291 --> 00:43.513 have to have is that flexible mindset . 00:43.513 --> 00:43.020 They're gonna have to think on their 00:43.029 --> 00:45.140 feet . They're gonna have to react to 00:45.140 --> 00:47.140 the unknown . They're gonna have to 00:47.140 --> 00:48.696 make decisions in uncertain 00:48.696 --> 00:51.759 environments that will to achieve a 00:51.770 --> 00:53.990 decision to act . Those are the things 00:54.000 --> 00:56.130 we we read about in M CD P one war 00:56.139 --> 00:57.861 fighting . But you truly don't 00:57.861 --> 00:59.861 experience that until it's 0 300 at 00:59.869 --> 01:01.700 night . Your buddy is out there 01:01.709 --> 01:03.820 somewhere . You think he's closing on 01:03.820 --> 01:05.987 you and you got to make a decision and 01:05.987 --> 01:07.931 move and that decision is going to 01:07.931 --> 01:09.931 determine whether you win or lose . 01:13.680 --> 01:15.569 You got a shot in the leg , man . 01:22.949 --> 01:25.171 The heat out here is brutal . So you've 01:25.171 --> 01:27.171 definitely got to hydrate every day 01:27.171 --> 01:29.060 that you're , you're not out here 01:29.060 --> 01:28.919 training , you've got to keep pounding 01:28.930 --> 01:31.097 water , keep hydrating , eating food , 01:31.097 --> 01:33.374 taking care of your body , working out . 01:33.374 --> 01:35.597 Um There's a lot that goes into it . Um 01:35.597 --> 01:35.339 But realistically it's keeping a 01:35.349 --> 01:37.405 positive mindset and he's coming out 01:37.405 --> 01:39.627 here with the knowledge that it's gonna 01:39.627 --> 01:41.849 be wet , it's gonna be hot , it's gonna 01:41.849 --> 01:43.905 be moving a lot . You've just got to 01:43.905 --> 01:43.410 deal with it because in a real world 01:43.419 --> 01:45.530 scenario , you don't have that choice 01:45.530 --> 01:47.530 to make of . Hey , I need to take a 01:47.530 --> 01:51.260 break . You got to keep pushing . You 01:51.269 --> 01:53.436 really got to make sure you're on your 01:53.436 --> 01:55.547 PS and Qs making sure you're going in 01:55.547 --> 01:57.713 there with a mindset that like , hey , 01:57.713 --> 01:57.620 I'm going out there against somebody 01:57.629 --> 01:59.740 who's going to simulate an enemy that 01:59.740 --> 02:01.740 wants to take me out . They want to 02:01.740 --> 02:03.796 find me , they want to win . We have 02:03.796 --> 02:05.685 that war fighting mindset . We're 02:05.685 --> 02:07.740 competitive . Nobody wants to lose . 02:07.740 --> 02:07.440 And at the end of the day , one side is 02:07.449 --> 02:10.860 going to win . The leaders have to make 02:10.869 --> 02:12.813 decisions based on what's going on 02:12.813 --> 02:14.925 around them . So , you know , you may 02:14.925 --> 02:17.036 lose half your unit . You still gotta 02:17.036 --> 02:19.147 keep pushing , accomplish the mission 02:19.147 --> 02:18.600 and do what you came out here to do . 02:20.600 --> 02:23.000 The guys started one squad .