The Command Inspector General (CIG) is responsible for the Commanding General Inspection Program, Fraud, Waste, Abuse, & Mismanagement, Request Mast, and Intelligence Oversight.
The IG's Functions are:
1. Readiness and Assistance:
a. Conducts "visits" to selected commands to identify systemic issues and policies impacting unit operational readiness and/or mission accomplishment.
b. Implements policy and directs Marine Corps risk management, safety and occupational health programs.
c. Manages the development of training for safety programs, conduct safety surveys, program reviews, and major mishap investigations in addition to ongoing analysis of mishap data to eliminate mishap recurrence.
d. Directs the Command Equal Employment Opportunity Program for the CG.
2. Conducts inspections for MSCs/MSEs in order to minimize wasted preparation time and provide commanders with accurate assessment of day-to-day readiness.
a. Identifies root causes of problems, particularly those beyond ability of commander to solve.
b. Conducts follow-up visit and resolution of outstanding issues beyond the ability of the commander to solve.
3. Assistance and Investigations
a. Manages hotline complaints received by IG's office to include Congressional Interest complaints (CONGRINTS).
b. Provides support in the areas of non-criminal investigations to include: Fraud, Gross waste or inefficiency of government resources, Abuse and misuse of authority/power/position, Mismanagement, Substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, Procurement irregularities, Reprisals, and other matters of interest to the CG.